
Infinite ARC-10 is a GSM controller for alarming and remote control via SMS. It is designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of applications from simple to complex. An ARC-10 is capable to communicate with other ARC-10 devices to perform M2M control functions.
Using machine to machine (M2M) SMS commands ARC-10 devices, on event can send commands to other ARC-10 devices to perform a local action. For example at a water tank a low level digital event can trigger an SMS message to a remote pump station to start a pump to refill the tank.
Any number of ARC-10 units can communicate with each other using the M2M functionality. Digital transition events can trigger M2M messages to remote stations and maintenance personnel.
The ARC-10 can interact concurrently with users and any number of other M2M devices like the SCOM-100, BSC-50, or ADU-500.


We give below an example of a simple application between two ARC-10 units, where a digital input on the first ARC-10 unit causes a relay output to close for 2 seconds on the remote ARC-10 unit.

You will need 2 SIM cards without PIN number, plus an administrator phone number. Programming can be done with the the ARC-10 Configurator, with the Windows Hyperterminal or with SMS messages to the devices.
ARC-10, Unit 1 Setup

To set an administrator 1234UN:Administrator phone number” 1)
To set Unit 2 as a user 1234UN:Unit 2 phone number
To disable SMS responses 1234RSPD
To enable M2M functionality 1234M2M:1 2)
To set the type of alarming on DI1 to 0 to 1 transition 1234I1AM:0
To set the M2M message for Unit 2 1234E1:1234O2ON

ARC-10, Unit 2 Setup

To set an administrator 1234UN:Administrator phone number
To set Unit 1 as a user 1234UN:Unit 1 phone number
To disable SMS responses 1234RSPD
To set the ON duration for output 2 to 2 seconds 1234O2:2

1) “1234”: Unit password
2) M2M functionality disables the Station name being transmitted as a header in alarm messages

Read more at,

ARC-10, A building block for M2M.pdf